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Helping Hand


A Humanity Project for the #4Goals Neighborhood and all of our communities! The Mini-Grant program is open to not only our neighborhood but our friends too!  

Important Information



You can sponsor a requestor as a #4Goals member, so pass the information on to your communities. Non #4Goals members must have a #4Goals sponsor. The application must be filled out by the person requesting the Mini-Grant and not by the #4Goals sponsor. 


Grant Cycle

There will be quarterly grant cycles. Mini-Grant applications will be due on or before the cycle due date without exception. Grant cycle due dates are the following: January 15, April 15, July 15, and October 15.


Mini-Grant Application

Hey friends - Are you, or someone you know, working on a project to improve your community in some way? This can be anywhere in the world, not just my corner of it.

Successful Mini-Grants

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