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Sign up or log in support

Here are step by step instructions for Signing up to be a member and logging in as a member.

Video tutorial

Log in Steps

1. Open a web browser and type in

​2a. Desktop - In the upper right corner of the page header, there is a "Members Log In" button. Click it.


​2a. Mobile - Scroll to the bottom of the site, there is a "Members Log In" button. Click it.


3. That will open a sign up modal.​


     b. if you already have signed up, you can click "Already a member? Log In"

     c. If you are new, then:


          i. Fill in the fields, check the "Join the community" box, and click Submit button

             PRO TIP: Remember what your password is! Either put it in a password app that keeps track of it,
             put it in locked notes, or whatever your favorite method is for remembering your password.

         ii. Verify that you are not a robot


     d. a success message will appear and will also trigger an email to the website admins that will confirm that you are indeed a 4Goals member and approve your request.


4. While you wait for the approval (please give admins at least 24 hours to respond), you can check out other pages that we've created on the site. More are coming all the time!

5. When you get your approval, then click the "members log in" in the header, using the "already a member? Log in" link. 


5. Log in using the password that you remembered!

     a. Don't worry, there's a way to reset your password if you do forget!


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